Dancity, Homework, IT

Modular band, the Minidischi, works on projects involving new technologies in the fields of music, live web streaming, theatre and multimedia performance.
In 2001 they organized the live streaming of JOAKIM's Djset playing from Paris at Link (Bologna, Italy) through Tigersushi webradio (, Paris). After several live performances, Minidischi first live appearence in streaming was produced for Excavation Sonore (AVATAR, Quebec) in 2002, a live music performance played from many bands all around the world inter-playing from their own cities. In Siena, 2004, Minidischi organized a futuristic interactive performance using movement sensors for the Radio Summer School (University of Siena). In 2005 the band added an electronic soundtrack to BOLTANSKY performance in Reggio Emilia (Italy) and played in concert with MATMOS. They played at several editions of the Homework Festival (Bologna).

A very interesting project of Minidischi has been called Minidisgweedy, involving Giampiero Stramaccia (G-Amp, electronica) and Giovanni Guidi (piano): machines sound mixed with a jazz grand piano. Sublime: they performed live several times in Verona, Roma, Perugia, Bologna and more.

Minidischi is also clubbing: G-Amp is the sophisticated electro dj who performed in many places in Italy, France and Germany. Fabi8bit is also a video producer who lives and works in Frankfurt (DE).

"Le radici sonore dei Minidischi affondano nell'elettronica delle macchine, con derive electro e minimal. L'estetica è quella della ricerca del piacere nel disturbo, del cut & paste in tempo reale e del riciclaggio dei suoni del mondo digitale. La loro macchina sonora è una specie di intona-rumori futurista, dove le manopole, i joystick e i software hanno preso il posto delle leve."
Osvald Hemmebius

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