Dancity festival

electronic music and digital arts festival


Dischi Disegnati


Friday, July 1st 2011 // h. 16.00 - 21.00 // Auditorium S.Caterina

Dischi Disegnati: cartoon music. The project is born on the web in 2010 and adjoins two great passions, music (Post Electronica Indie Punk Dubstep Noise Jazz Superfuzzbigmuff) and comics. 
Dischi Disegnati is first of all a personal experience, an act, a stroke which tries to combine listening, seeing and narration. Small reviews to read and listen to with lightheartedness and irony. Dischi Disegnati gives a new shape to musical reviews. In the era of total remix, liquid music, Graphic Novels (what happened to comics?) musical reviews become a comic strip remix.
At the Dancity Festival, Dischi Disegnati exhibits original boards dedicated to a selection of present artists. Music to dance and listen to during Dancity events, and to read and view in the Santa Caterina Auditorium. 

Dischi Disegnati is a project by Riccardo Moreschi with the supervision of distinguished Professor Kenzo Zeni Geva.

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WorkshopAgenzia "Dancing Days"


Saturday, July 2nd 2011
h. 16.00 // Giardino S.Caterina

After the success of the 2010 edition, Dancing Days returns! A group of young elders that dance with group coreographies to electronic music tracks, this time envolving everyone in a preparatory workshop! 

ExhibitionDischi Disegnati


July 1st-2nd 2011
h. 16.00 - 21.00 // Auditorium S.Caterina

Cartoon music! The project is born on the web in 2010 and adjoins two great passions, music and comics...which together become a new formula of musical reviews. 

ExhibitionJustin Palermo's Covering is Revealing


June 30th - July 2nd 2011
16.00 - 21.00 // Auditorium S.Caterina

The performances of American artist Justin Palermo involve the use of objects, drawings and artefacts in a narrative context with occasional and surprising detours.

HappeningLa Società Dello Spettacolo presenta: AESSIDO


July 1st-2nd 2011
durante la notte // Palazzo Candiotti

Special theatrical performance created by « La Società Dello Spettacolo » reserved to a niche of visitors that, during the night, will be able to cross through the halls of Palazzo Candiotti between visual cavities and forms of sound of the contemporary age. 

WorkshopLive set Advanced


Friday, July 1st 2011
h. 15.00 // Ridotto S.Domenico

Techniques and tricks for setting up advanced live sets and sound synthesis in real time.

WorkshopMUSIC 1.0 & Music 2.0 Music as an experience to be marketed


Saturday, July 2nd 2011
h. 15.00 // Ridotto S.Domenico

Evolutions of the recording industry and new opportunities for artists and producers. 

ExhibitionRune Grammofon Exhibition


June 25th - July 2nd 2011
h. 16.00 - 21.00 // Auditorium S.Caterina

Exhibit of the one-hundred albums created by artist and designer Kim Hiorthey for Norwegian label Rune Grammofon


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